Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I must Learn

I must learn that the times I struggle, when difficulties and troubles surround me, my ideas fail and the night is surrounding me, I feel alone and feel like God has disappeared, that this is exactly where God wants me “at this time.” I cant live by feelings, I cant hope in my own understanding, I must simply have faith and wait on the LORD. This is a season of God’s perfect will in my life sometimes.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sometimes I Just Want

Sometimes, I just want someone who will listen to me and not try to give me advice they don’t even practice themselves, someone who’ll understands my feeling, who knows what I am trying to say even when I am confused, who pierces my heart with gentle love, and shows me kindness without speaking a word, someone I can be vulnerable to without worry. Thank you Jesus for being that person.